
How To Shrink Hemorrhoids Fast And Naturally?

Is your hemorrhoids pain and discomfort is increasing day by day. If yes, then the reason is obviously the enlarged anus muscles which come out whenever hemorrhoids issue is encountered.  So, just try to shrink it down otherwise the pain is just unbearable.

What’s The Need To Shrink Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are actually swollen blood vessels of the rectum. Sometimes they get swell so that the vein walls become stretched, thin, and irritated by passing bowel movements. They are classified into two general categories: internal and external.

Internal ones occur in the lower rectum, and external hemorrhoids, which develop under the skin around the anus. External hemorrhoids are very uncomfortable one, because the overlying skin becomes irritated and erodes. If a blood clot forms inside an external hemorrhoid, the pain can be sudden and severe. 

 So, if you want to treat them then it’s important to shrink down these enlarged swollen muscles coming out the anus. As, this will effectively helps in treating up the hemorrhoids fastly.

Home Treatment To Shrink Hemorrhoids 

If you are observing symptoms of hemorrhoid in your body in the first stage then can be simply cured by following some home remedies.

Get more fiber. 

Add more fiber food to your diet routine, fiber supplement such as Metamucil, Citrucel, or Fiber Con. along with the adequate fluid. Fiber actually softens your food so that food will easily pass reducing pressure on hemorrhoids. You can also take high fiber food such as broccoli, beans, wheat and oat bran, whole-grain foods, and fresh fruit. Fiber supplements decreases hemorrhoid bleeding, enlargement and inflammation. Take about 25–30 grams of fiber daily and also, increase your fluid intake.


Do some aerobic exercises, like brisk walking for 20–30 minutes daily, this will help to stimulate bowel function.

Use Moist Towelettes

wiping with dry toilet paper can cause more abrasive, painful, and irritate hemorrhoid, so use moist towelettes. Make sure to have towelettes which don't contain alcohol or perfume.

Seek topical relief. 

You can use hemorrhoid creams as it contains a local anesthetic which will temporarily soothe your pain. Creams and suppositories containing hydrocortisone are also effective in this but never use it for more than a week at a time, because they can cause the skin to atrophy. A small ice pack placed against the anal area for a few minutes can also help reduce pain and swelling. Start sitting on a soft cushion rather than a hard surface helps reduce the swelling of existing hemorrhoids and prevents the formation of more.

Minimally invasive procedures

If blood clot has formed within an external hemorrhoid, then consult with your doctor as they can remove the clot with a simple incision, which may provide prompt relief. 

If your hemorrhoids is enlarged too much and causing problem very badly then don’t worry because there are several such homeopathic medicine which naturally and easily cure your hemorrhoids issue.
Try Venapro –an ultimate way to heal hemorrhoids pain and discomfort. This medicine contains all the natural ingredients to improve your colon health.


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