Yoga considered as a complete exercise that relax both your mind and the body. But every few people are aware with this fact that it also helps in curing the hemorrhoids. As, we all know hemorrhoids are caused by excessive straining during bowel movements. To alleviate and heal the pain and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids, yoga works like a magic.
Not only in treating hemorrhoids it is also very effective in treating most stubborn and chronic constipation cases. Various poses of yoga also help in pushing down the stool and further easy removal from the rectum without putting extra effort.
Yoga poses shows its effectiveness when is well accompanied by proper diet changes so as to ease the constipation and the hemorrhoids.
2 Best Yoga Poses for Hemorrhoids Relief
Headstand (Sirsasana)
Headstand pose of yoga is basically related to hemorrhoids because this pose can help in improving the blood flow and has various health benefits too. In this yoga pose you need to use your forearms to maintain the balance.
Get down on your knees and sit facing the wall. Place your gripped finger and head on the floor and take your hands behind of your head. Now take your legs upward and make sure that the body is perpendicular to the ground. Initially you can take help of the pose to balance but later on try the unsupported pose. Headstand is an is also very helpful in treating many serious health issues.
The Wind Releasing Pose (Pavanmukta)
Wind releasing pose is helpful in getting back the stagnant lymph and venous blood which ultimately helps in preventing hemorrhoids. This yoga pose stimulate pancreas and organs of the abdomen, the pose cures constipation and helps rectify the persistent problem of piles.
For this, you just need to lie down on your back with your feet together and palm next to your body. Inhale as you breathe out and bring your knee towards your chest. Next press your thigh on the abdomen with clasped hands. Inhale again when you breathe out and lift your head. Bring your chest off the floor and touch your chin to right knee.
Wind relieving poses strengthen your back and muscles. If you are a patient of heart problem, menstruation, neck and back problems then avoid practicing this pose.
Yoga will surely heal your hemorrhoid pain and discomfort but it will take time. For the instant result and treatment of hemorrhoids you need to try the complete natural Venapro –hemorrhoid relief medicine. It is the complete homeopathic formula to treat up your hemorrhoid without any much effort.
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