
Hemorrhoids – Symptoms and Treatments!

Hemorrhoids also known as piles are really painful for many people. As time passes by the hemorrhoids normally get worse. Health care advice that it should be treated as soon as possible. So, here are you will learn about the Symptoms and Treatments of Hemorrhoids. It can be easily treated and are very preventable.

Common symptoms of hemorrhoids

Some of the common symptoms of hemorrhoids are:
  • Irritation and itching in the anal area
  • Bleeding but normally painless. Patient may see red in toilet bowl or in toilet paper.
  • Pain and feel uncomfortable in the anal area
  • Patient may notice swelling in the anal area
  • A lump near your anus, it can be painful
  • Feces may trickle out.

Hemorrhoids Treatments

In most of the cases people can follow some simple measures that will lessen the symptoms as well as the problem will get rid of its own. But in some cases medicine and even surgery is required to treat hemorrhoids.

Few Natural Treatments of Hemorrhoids are:

  • Eat plenty of fibre – Fibre can be consumed in the form of fruit, vegetables, cereals, wholegrain bread, etc.
  • Drink plenty of water – You must drink lot of water. If you are adult then you must consume four litres of water per day. You must allow as much fluid as urine.
  • Consume foods that are rich in fibre – Such as Corn, Oat, Rice, Wheat, Wholegrain breads, etc.

Simple Incision – Your doctor may perform simple incision if he notices a clot formation around your external hemorrhoid. If there is a continuous bleeding then you may need rubber band ligation, coagulation or injection (sclerotherapy).

Medicines - Most of the hemorrhoid medicines are Over The Counter (OTC) such as Venapro, it means you do not require a doctor suggestion. Such medicines have ointments or suppositories and such effective ingredients like hydrocortisone are known to provide pain relief and cure hemorrhoids symptoms. It is easy to consume and will effectively treat your Hemorrhoids problems.

Surgery for Hemorrhoids Treatments - If hemorrhoid problem is not benefited from simple procedure or if it is very large then surgery is needed. Surgery may include hemorrhoidectomy or stapling.


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